FormatTitleArtistLabelFormatStatusCertifed Units Milrelease datecertification date
GoldVersaceMigosSingleNot started0.57/9/201311/30/2015
GoldMr. DavisGucci ManeAtlantic RecordsSingleNot started0.510/13/20173/12/2018
GoldThe Return of…

GHOSTLUVME AND ZAYTOVEN RELEASE NEW ALBUM GHOSTTOVEN ON HIGH AND MIGHTY ENTERTAINMENT Grammy-winning multiplatinum producer Zaytoven teams up with 27-year-old rapper/singer Ghostluvme to release a new album, GhostToven, via High…

Usher's "A" out now!
Directed by Yoni Lappin
Production Company - Freenjoy
EP - Nathan Scherrer, Wandie Kabule, Julia Ochsenreiter
Produced by Jeremy Hartman
Los Angeles DP - Joe Cook
Atlanta Line Producer -…
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4 Stages. 4 Crews. 1 Winner. Red Bull Music Culture Clash returns to Atlanta! Inspired by Jamaican sound clashes, Culture Clash is
a massive musical battleground where four crews compete. On…